Joseba Sarrionandia returns to the Basque Country after nearly 40 years of exile
  • After nearly 40 years in exile, Joseba Sarrionandia has finally returned to Euskal Herria to visit her relatives and family.
Oihane Arretxea Bereziartua @oihane_arretxea 2021eko apirilaren 23a
Joseba Sarrionandia Iurretako plazan. Argazkia:

According to the Duranaldeko media Anboto, the writer Joseba Sarrionandia (Iurreta, Bizkaia, 1958) has returned to Euskal Herria, where his father died. He has moved to Iurreta to visit his relatives.

When he was a member of ETA, he fled Martutene prison in 1985 and for years has not been known until now except through his libros.En 2016 he was known to be in Cuba, working for the Etxepare Basque Institute at the University of Havana. In an interview given to Anboto, Sarrionandia has returned after almost four decades in exile, and has said that, although he has tried to return it "with discretion", the news has been disseminated "bolo-bolo". The writer has told the members of Anboto that he has found a "different people" and that he has missed the dead in these years.

The return of Sarrionandia has had a great impact. In addition to the media of Euskal Herria and abroad, many welcome messages have also been posted on social networks.