Family members remember Joseba Barandiaran in Donostia
  • His relatives recall Joseba Barandiaran, killed by police, where the young man was killed, between Aldapeta and San Bartolomé streets. Several EH Bildu councillors from the City Hall have also been present in the humble floral offering. Two years ago the City Hall placed a plate in memory of the young man.
Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo Xalba Ramirez @xalbaram 2023ko uztailaren 13a

On 11 July 1978, young Joseba Barandiaran Urkola was shot by the Spanish police. In the Sanfermines of 1978, on 8 July, in the fighting in the bullring in Pamplona, the young Germán Rodríguez was shot dead and eleven more people were injured. Demonstrations and strikes were opened in the Basque Country. Three days later, Barandiarán and the young man who was shot to death in a charge of the Spanish police during the demonstration of the murder of Germán Rodríguez in San Sebastián at the age of 19.

The San Bartolomé riots in 1978.