Jose Mari Novoa returns to jail after the third grade prosecutor's recourse
  • On the night of 27 June, he was re-admitted to prison pending the Prison Surveillance Court ' s resolution of the third grade transit appeal. If, for several months, the procedure has changed and the Public Prosecutor ' s Office is appealing, whether or not the case has been resolved, the inmate must enter prison.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko ekainaren 29a
Zaballako espetxera itzuli behar izan du Jose Mari Novoa preso ohiak.

Sara denounces the re-imprisonment of José María Novoa. The Spanish Penitentiary Surveillance Tribunal has accepted the appeal filed by the Prosecutor's Office against the third grade of Novoa.

So Bedi has received criticism from Sare: “Ordinary law does not say that prisoners have to pass all their sentences within the prison, until the last day, without an open-plan modality more related to the society in which they live.”

Sara has pointed out that they continue to “impede the return home” of political prisoners in Euskal Herria. They claim the need to go home and “cannot boycott exceptional courts”. A complaint has been called in Zigoitia and Vitoria.