Former President José Antonio Ardanza dies
  • José Antonio Ardanza Garro dies at 82. The nationalist politician was president of the Basque Government between 1985 and 1999.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko apirilaren 08a
82 urte zituela hil da Jose Antonio Ardanza. Argazkian, 2022ko elkarrizketa batean. / Argazkia: EITB.

Born in Elorrio (Bizkaia) on 10 June 1941. He studied law at the University of Deusto. He started his political career and became part of EGI’s leadership. He came to Mondragon in 1969, where he started working in the People's Labor Fund and soon reached the governing board.

His clandestine career during Franco, during the Spanish Transition, worked in the Movement of Mayors and then reached the mayor of Mondragon in 1979 in the first municipal elections after Franco. In 1983 he became a general Member of Gipuzkoa after a parliamentary term. In January 1985, in the midst of the PNV crisis, he came to the presidency of the Basque Government. In the 1986, 1990 and 1994 legislatures, he continued to win as a PNV candidate in Ajuria Enea. In 1999 he gave the presidency witness to Juan José Ibarretxe.

President of Euskaltel

Leaving the presidency gives way to top-line policy. Among other charges, he was appointed advisor to the company Tubacex. In December 1999, Euskaltel was appointed Chairman of the Board by the telecommunications company. It stayed until 2011.

In Alderdi Eguna 1998 Juan José Ibarretxe and José Antonio Ardanza. The following year Ardanza finished the third term in office as president and witnessed Ibarretxe. Photo: Alberto Elosegi / ARGIA.