In lockdown sports wagers go down, poker and casinos go up
  • The advertising of gambling and increasingly restricted sports betting has increased the consumption of online gambling in the months conditioned by the state of alarm.
Jon Torner Zabala @jtorner 2020ko azaroaren 04a
Kirol-apustuek behera egin duten bezala, gora egin dute pokerrak edota kasino-jokoek.

The Spanish Government approved on Tuesday, Day 3, the royal decree regulating the advertising of gambling and online betting. Thus, game operators’ announcements can only be issued between 1:00 and 5:00 hours. In addition, no persons known as television presenters or sportsmen may appear in the ads. On the other hand, companies will not be able to offer welcome bonds to attract new customers. The objective, according to the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, is to protect the most vulnerable sectors such as minors, young people and dependents.

The impact of the decree on the world of sport, especially in football and basketball, should be highlighted, as the names of the game operators, the main sponsors of many professional teams, should disappear from the t-shirts or supports of the stadiums of the players. Once the BOE has been published in its official gazette, contracts which do not comply with the measures set out in the decree may not be signed. Contracts in force must be suspended in August 2021.

Growth of poker and casino games

A month ago, in an appearance on the game, Minister Alberto Garzón explained that in the state of alarm the number of games and wagering has increased, and that the impact on poorer neighborhoods is greater: "In some areas it is easier to insert a message than can be solved overnight if the economic situation is bad."

The web Ludopatía Online has addressed the rise of the game in the Spanish state, following the report of the General Directorate of Game Management for the second quarter of 2020, after emphasizing that the anxiety situations caused by the confinement have caused a greater risk of the citizenship falling into the hands of the game or any other substance/product.

As far as the data is concerned, there are two things that need to be highlighted. On the one hand, in-person gambling has been reduced because bars and gambling halls have remained closed. And online play grows. On the other hand, the annulment of some sports championships has meant that the number of sports betting has also been drastically reduced in the period mentioned. As a counterpart, poker, roulette and casino games have increased.

In the case of the online game, operators gained 208 million gross euros (GGR) in three months, including the price to pay players and welcome bonuses, 17.71% more than in the second quarter of 2019.

Gross benefits of online operators in the second quarter of 2020 / Source: Government of Spain