His Excellency. Mr. Minister of Education of the Basque Government, D. Jokin Bildarratz:
Euskal Eskola Publikoaz Harro Topagunea 2020ko azaroaren 02a

Because of COVID-19, we're living in a special situation in the education community. In our opinion, the management of the Department of Education has been deficient and improvised since the beginning of the pandemic and has not taken into account the proposals of the educational agents. And now, when we've come back to class, it's also being deficient.

Unfortunately, however, this is not a new situation: we have long been very concerned about the management of public schools by the Department of Education in recent years. That's why we started to join forces at the CAV level in defense of public education. There are specific problems in some towns and cities, but we know what lies behind them: That Public Education, the only education service based on equity and equal opportunities, has not been prioritized, nor cared for, and consequently, there has been a significant setback, supported by the policies carried out. In the current situation, moreover, we fear that the pandemic will cover the serious basic problems that Public Education has in this dual (public-private) and unjust educational system.

"We are afraid that the pandemic will cover the serious basic problems Public Education has in this dual (public-private) and unfair educational system."

As a new Education Advisor, in addition to the gaps that the pandemic has created, we ask you to address those problems that the public school already had in our community.

The list is long, but we are very concerned about the Administration’s commitment and lack of priorities with the public education service, which directly depends on the management of the Department of Education, which puts concerted private and public education at the same level, matching non-equal networks as products that are in a free market, which results in huge school segregation, a growth of concerted centres that has been facilitated to the detriment of the public school,

From the associations of parents, from the platforms of different peoples, we will continue to work for a quality public education that leads us to a cohesive and just society, and in that way we ask you to take into account the demands of families, workers and students. As we are proud of the Basque Public School, we will not accept a further step. It is time to change the trend of years, Mr Jokin Bildarratz: we hope that you will join us in your office and that together we can all build the public education that we deserve, because it is auzolan, right?


Promoters of the Proud Public Platform


* Letter of Accession of more than 100 CAPV Associations of Fathers and Mothers