EH Bildu asks not to award the Donostia Prize to actress Johnny Depp
  • The political party has asked the San Sebastian Festival to withdraw its decision and has appealed to the public institutions that are part of the festival’s governing board. Eh Bildu explained that by awarding the prize to a person denounced for ill-treatment, it would help to "normalize" male violence.
Iraitz Madariaga Etxebarria 2021eko abuztuaren 13a
Johnny Depp 2020ko Donostiako Zinemaldian. Argazkia: EITB

Eh Bildu has pointed out that one of Johnny Depp's judgments "gives total credibility to the allegations" for male violence. Since political formation, they have pointed out that the award of the Donostia Prize to the actress would contribute to "normalize" male violence and, in the face of the increase in cases of aggression, would make the problem "relativice" and "relativice".

As stated by the Naiz media, the coalition has asked the festival’s Management Board to intervene in it. The organization consists of several public institutions, which can revoke the decision. For EH Bildu, “it is not good for the institutions to hide behind the autonomy of the Festival, because they have representation on their board of directors.” He referred to the Government of Spain, the Basque Government, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastián, especially the Mayor of Donostia-San Sebastián Eneko Goia and the Equality Councillor Ane Oiarbide.

Critiques of women filmmakers

Johnny Depp will be awarded the Donostia del Zinemaldia Prize on 22 September. But the decision has created tumult, and the first opposing views have come this week from the institutions of women filmmakers: Specifically, the association of filmmakers from the Basque Country and the association of filmmakers and top audiovisual media.

Both sides have denounced that, in addition to the professional trajectory, the image that the actors give in private life must be taken into account. In their view, in addition to the film industry, people should be chosen who are referents to society as a whole for these awards. However, the Festival has defended its choice: “The function of the festival is not to judge the behavior of members of the film industry,” said the director of the festival, José Luis Rebordinos.

Example of Woody Allen

The 2019 festival saw a similar situation with filmmaker Woody Allen. Due to allegations of ill-treatment, EH Bildu refused to attend the reception of lehendakari in the Basque Parliament.