Basque political prisoners Jesús Mari Altable and Josu Urbieta are on the street
  • Altable left Pamplona prison on Monday after 27 years in prison. The Azpeitiarra Josu Urbieta left Mont de Marsan prison on Saturday after twelve years.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko maiatzaren 10
Jesús Mari Altable 'Txuma', espetxetik irten berri lagun eta senidez inguratuta. Argazkia: Etxerat

“The Pamplona political prisoner Jesús Mari Altable Etxarte has been released. He has just left Pamplona prison after 27 and a half years in prison,” reports the Etxerat association. The chantran ‘Txuma’, Jesús Mari Altable, waited for family and friends at the jail door.

Altable was arrested in 1994 by the French Police, along with Alavés Alberto López de la Calle, who is still in prison. In 1999, France gave Spain a hunger strike. He has known several prisons and in the Pamplona prison since 2021.

Josu Urbieta also free

On Saturday, Josu Urbieta Alkorta, a Basque political prisoner in Azpeitia, regained freedom after twelve years in prison. He was in Mont de Marsan's French prison and after being expelled from the French State he was released.




Josu Urbieta, from Azpeitia, with his friends and family. Photo: Household