People meet in Tafalla to support the Basque Country
  • On 16 October he has gathered at Tafalla to celebrate Nafarroa Oinez. The organization has highlighted the success of the day "both for the attendance and for the holiday that has passed normally". He thanks, on the one hand, the citizens who have come to Tafalla to "sow the Basque" and the thousand volunteers who have worked. The ikastola Garces de los Fayos de Tafalla has given the witness to the Ikastola Andra Mari of Etxarri who will organize the festival next year.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko urriaren 17a
Milaka lagun kontzertuez gozatzen. (Argazkia: Nafarroa Oinez)

It is the fourth time that is celebrated in Tafalla la Nafarroa Oinez, which this year organizes the festival under the motto "Erdiko Erein". They have prepared an urban circuit of almost two kilometres and the four areas (Hazi, Kimu, Subai and Zuhaitz) have been crowded throughout the day.

The director of ikastola Paula Arrangi has confessed to ARGIA that she has deserved all the effort and that she would repeat the task of organizing Nafarroa Oinez. It has been an "honor" for Arrangi to have that responsibility, and he has stressed that organizing this kind of party is a sign that they are "on the right track": "I will never get tired of saying that without the ikastola we would not be at the moment when we are at this moment in relation to the Basque Country. The road is difficult, it is difficult to live in Basque in Tafalla, but we are on the right path, and we have to continue sowing and sowing, because then when you receive the harvest it is worth it."

The students of the ikastolas of Navarra have participated in the traditional Erronka contest of the festivities of the ikastolas and the team of the ikastola San Fermín has won the first prize, the Ikastola de Tafalla the second and the Ikastola Baztan the third.

Photo: Nafarroa Oinez.

The opening ceremony was attended by the director of the Ikastola Garcés de los Fayos, Paula Arrangi, the president of the festival, Aritz Azcarate, the president of the Federation of Ikastolas de Navarra (NIE), Elena Zabaleta, the director of NIE, Josu Reparaz, as well as institutional and party representatives.

The leaders have underlined the historical trajectory of the Ikastola de Tafalla in favor of the Basque Country, and have asked the political agents courage, through concrete actions, to consolidate the project of this ikastola, so that they can continue to be the reference of a quality education in Basque in the area.

The money raised will be used to deal with the debts of the ikastola Garces de los Fayos de Tafalla, which this year turns 52. This is what the words of Paula Arrangi, director of the ikastola, who has picked up the newspaper Berria: "We want to deal with the debts that squeeze us and don't let us sleep."

Act of opening the party. (Photo: Nafarroa Oinez)