Concentration in Vitoria-Gasteiz to denounce the latest Machista murder
  • The mobilization, called by the feminist movement in Vitoria-Gasteiz, has travelled the streets of the Alavesa capital on Wednesday to denounce the murder of its compatriot Erika Tavares.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko urriaren 14a
Jende andana bildu da Gasteizko Andra Mari Zuriaren plazan, hilketa salatzeko (argazkia: Gasteizko Mugimendu Feminista)

A massive demonstration has travelled the streets of Vitoria-Gasteiz to denounce the murder of a 37-year-old woman in the Vitorian district of Sansomendi. The man committed suicide after killing with a knife his partner, who was in separation, when his two children, minors, were at home.

Remember the woman murdered by Erika Tavares and not Sexist Aggressions! Feminist self-defense! Under the motto “Feministak Kalera”, hundreds of people have joined the mobilization following the call of the feminist movement. The movement has expressed its "indignation and disgust" over this already fifth Machista murder in Euskal Herria.

Mercedes' comrades, who was a Tavares worker, have also concentrated at the gates of the automotive plant with applause. This Thursday more mobilizations have been announced in other cities and towns of Euskal Herria.