At the age of 96, Jean-Marie Le Pen, a well-known face of the extreme right, creator of the National Front, has been consolidated year after year in the French State. In his mouth he has always been spreading his racist ideas without haste and without pause. Sowing racist ideas and harvesting crops: In 1972 the party was founded and gradually consolidated and accelerated until it was placed in the second presidential round in 2002. In this article we collect some of its most significant and repugnant manifestations:
Jean-Marie Le Pen, who has not seen her daughter president, said that her ideas are rooted among the citizens and that power is also channelled from an extreme right-wing point of view. It can be read in the daily Libération of the day after his death, by the hand of Magyd Cherfi, of the Zebda group: "It may be dead, but an annoying smell of smoke is still there, it has left us the foolish idea of the 'white' in danger, of the great substitution, of the war of civilizations, of cruelty, of the cruelty that has been presented to us as reasonable. He may be dead, but 'the white' has made him the universal victim of a disoriented world. It's dead, but the idea of the endangered 'white' has died and everyone believes in it. It's their noisy legacy that leads us to the fall."
As a member of the National Front, he stated in September 1987 that the Holocaust was nothing more than a "detail" of the Second World War. In particular, he pointed out that: "I'm not saying gas chambers didn't exist, I haven't seen them and I haven't analyzed the question in detail, but I think they're a thoroughness in the history of World War II." A number of associations fighting racism filed a complaint against them and, after being tried as guilty, had to pay £1 million.
In 1997, the German city of Munich, together with Franz Schönhuber in the Waffen-SS structure, re-ratified the declaration of "detail of history". The two were close friends, and the Nazi published the book Le Pen, der Rebell (Le Pen, rebel), in which he summarizes the biography of the French politician in his own way.
In order to produce and disseminate records of political content, he founded a label in 1963. Among other things, he published several discs on the Third Reich since 1965, with the aim of disseminating songs and speeches of that time. In the middle, the following message was heard: "The way for Adolf Hitler and the Nationalist Party to come to power, characterized by a strong mass movement, was absolutely popular and democratic in the background," he added.
He was convicted on several occasions for "denying crimes against humanity" in the belief that he neglected the atrocities of the Nazis.
In this way, and because he disregarded the atrocities of the Nazis, he was condemned on several occasions "for denying crimes against humanity".
He has stated on several occasions "racial differences". The most well-known expression is probably the following: "Of course, there are differences between races, they don't have the same capabilities, they don't have the same historical evolutions," he added. On this racist point of view, he has been condemned on more than one occasion. Mainly Arabs, but also Chinese and Gypsies have been kept on many occasions and despised. Continuing with the position discrimination, even by homophobia, he had to go ahead of the judge. He considers homosexuality to be "a biological and social anomaly."
It has always had an exclusionary speech against immigrants. Among others, the following statements: "On a day when we're not going to have five million in France, but we're going to have 25 million Muslims, they're going to send it, and the French are going down the sidewalk, with their eyes low, shy," or "in our people we're living a real invasion, they're building cities from outside."
The reproach against migrants has also led to tragedies. To mention just two, Arabic Brahim Bouarram was drowned by far-right activists on the Seine River in 1995, on the same day as the National Front parade; and that same year Ibrahim Ali was also killed by fascists hanging the skates of the National Front.
Jean-Marie Le Pen was a torturer, saw the essence of torture and had no difficulty in assuming it: "If a person has to be tortured to save another hundred, then we have inevitable torture; it is also fair when action is taken in exceptional circumstances," he added. They are his words, written in 1957 to the newspaper Le Monde. Dozens of testimonies collected in books, reports and investigations that point to the fact that he was a torturer in the Algerian war have been collected.
Today, the National Union leading her daughter Marine Le Pen is at the core of all that. Her daughter Marine decided, in 2011, to soften her party’s image by collecting her father’s witness. But behind the change of speech and tone, we have the same racist social project. This is what we announced in the 2022 Le Pen klanak report, which, although it sweetens the image of the Devil, continues with the same political project.
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