Jean-Jacques Lasserre, elected President of the Atlantic Pyrenees
  • The candidate from the right to the presidency of the Council of the Atlantic Pyrenees, Jean-Jacques Lasserre, will be elected by the majority of the electorate. Iker Elizalde from EH Bai was the other candidate. The left of the Department has not submitted a candidate for the presidency of the Government of Navarra. In the vote, fourteen voted blank.
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Lasserre will repeat office for the second consecutive time, for a period of another six years. The vote took place on 1 July and the majority voted in favour of the candidature of the centre-right. Fourteen elects voted blank.

In the departmental votes it easily won in the canton Bidaxune-Amikuze-Oztibarre, along with Anne Marie Bruthe, with 63.49% of the votes, against Emilie Dubois and Xabi Larralde from EH Bai, with 2,659 votes, 968 more than in the first round.

Two abertzales in Pau

Following the results of the Sunday elections, EH representative Bai Annie Poveda de Urruña and Iker Elizalde de Hendaia entered the council of the department of Atlantic Pyrenees, imposing in the Hendaia-Basque Coast canton. The left-wing coalition, with 52.9% of the votes, was imposed on the second round of the elections, accommodating the socialists who had so far been in Pau.

Once again, a team from the right and the centre-right has proclaimed victory at the departmental level in Zuberoa, Baja Navarra and Lapurdi. There will be 22 of the 24 members of Ipar Euskal Herria, after losing the six seats held by the Socialists in the last legislature and when the only representation of the left is that of the nationalists. Of the 54 elected positions in Pau, 38 are from the Forces 64, consisting of the right and the centre-right.