Jabier Salutregi dies, imprisoned journalist for directing 'Egin'
  • He was director until 1998 in the Egin newspaper until Baltasar Garzón ordered the closure. He served seven years in prison in Burgos, and was released in 2015. At the age of 73 he died in his home in San Sebastian due to an illness he has suffered in the last months.
Aitor Gurrutxaga Muñagorri 2023ko ekainaren 14a
Salutregi 'Egin' egunkariaren itxiera salatzeko prentsaurrekoan. Alberto Elosegi / ARGIA Fototeka

Egin's latest director, Jabier Salutregi, dies from an illness. It was born in 1950 in Bilbao. He was one of the journalists who participated in the creation of the Egin newspaper in 1997. He was appointed director in 1993 and faced the campaign of media criminalization.

He was imprisoned for his journalistic work within macrosumary 18/98 because of Baltasar Garzón's "everything is ETA" theory. He served seven years in prison outside Euskal Herria, Alcala, Soto del Real, Valencia and Burgos, until he was released in 2015.

Mr Martxelo Díaz recalled that he was the only journalist who was imprisoned in Europe during his stay in prison for directing a newspaper.

Here we can read the interview by ARGIA in 1996.