Javier Esparza, President of UPN, is no longer a candidate for the Navarra presidency
  • UPN President Javier Esparza has announced, after three attempts, that he will not present himself in the forthcoming Navarre election as a candidate for lehendakari.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko abuztuaren 21a
Javier Esparza uztaialren 23ko Espainiako hauteskudeetako kanpainan. Argazkia: UPN

Javier Esparza’s announcement in Navarre can be a reflection of the turbulence imposed on the right after the last elections. He will not be re-nominated as President. This was communicated by the head of UPN to the Diario Diario de Navarra.

Nevertheless, Esparza will continue to be the spokesperson for this party in the Parliament of Navarra and president of the party, a position in which the Alavés has been present since 2015.

UPN will hold next April a conference in which the politician has left the door open to leave the party leadership: "I will always be available to the party," he explains to the newspaper.

Esparza acknowledges that in Navarra the right has not been able to have a majority to form a government, but it blames the socialists for the situation: "The PSOE takes a planned and strategic decision: Alliances can be established with EH Bildu," he said.

The Navarro politician has also explained the need for a "clear reflection" on the relations with PP.