The participating groups are: Hebentik Association, People of Altzai and Altzaiarrak, Association Precursors and Company Berritza. The Zuberoa jumps, long and short, old and new, will be presented. Also the sung branle dances, both old and renovated.
Trying to resurrect the jumps
In Suletino a few jumps are danced, the seven jumps or wallets are common, but there are twenty-four others that never happen. Some have been lost, but news is also emerging. The idea is to show all these jumps on the plaza and so explains Mixel Etxekopar on the Xibero Botza broadcast. The Etxekopar family ensures that the dance jumps she loves as a child are as simple as complicated and wants to highlight the richness of the dance system. He says that although not very visible to some, they are fundamental, such as branleen or soka-dantza, he also mentions the social and political use of jumps.
Etxekopar believes that the loss of jumps has been caused by a number of factors, including the fact that the spectacular dances and points dancing both in the masks and in the pastoral ones that are deeply rooted in Zuberoa have cast a shadow over their jumps. So, with Altzai’s exhibition they want to give a boost to the light of those old jumps and the news they have created in recent years, “if they are old, they have been new at some point.”
The dantzaris of twelve towns of Zuberoa will dance in Altzai Square. Each people has prepared a couple of jumps or branles. The dances will be recorded by Kanaldudek and later it is intended to disseminate these images, to have testimony and have references as a learning tool for the dancers.