The Department of Education of the Basque Government is making cuts to the professors who strengthen the Basque Country
  • LAB Member of Educational Policy Izarne Zelaia, Irati Tobar and Ibai Redondo have written the opinion article Negu gorriak in Basque education. From this article we collect the cuts that the Department of Education of the Basque Government wants to make to the staff that reinforces the education in Basque for the next year.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko uztailaren 07a
Argazkia: @LABsindikatua. Argazkia: LAB sindikatua.

"The Basque Government is making cuts in Education and especially in programmes to strengthen the Basque Country," the article's signatories said. The following cuts are listed below:

- In training, IRALE loses one third of its jobs.

- Abolition of Language Support Centres for students.

- In the Hamaika esku program "strong cuts are being made", according to the members of the LAB syndicate: "At the moment, competition with the schools' addresses is tough," he added. The Hamaika Esku program involves the schools that have students with the greatest learning difficulties in large proportion, and many of these students have not received Euskera at home.

- "HIPI posts are being reduced", i.e. jobs to teach Basque to newly arrived foreign students.

They have also made known other measures, which are an obstacle to guaranteeing Euskera:

- Students studying abroad ("many diplomats and high-ranking children", according to LAB members) will not have to prove that they are in possession of the Basque Country to obtain the qualifications.

- the authors of the article denounce the creation by the Department of Education of 38 Special Education jobs "without profile".

- "23 additional teachers have been added, most of them in Model D classes," he said.

Finally, they have stated that in the Education Act being drafted and the Basque Government "does not undertake to implement a model of immersion".

In Navarra "teaching in Basque at the starting point"

According to LAB members, "since UPN took over the mayor of Pamplona it has focused on teaching in Basque. Places to enrol in Basque in the Municipal Children's Schools have been greatly reduced and many children are left out."

Also the Government of Navarra "is making crab", pointed out, "walking backwards to stop the expansion of model D: Prohibiting Model D in Mendigorría, maintaining linguistic models and prohibiting some schools from leaving the PAI (English-Spanish) model in this sense (e.g. in Castejón)."