The government is about to approve the decree so that public employees can “easier” the accreditation of Euskera
  • The government is about to adopt a new decree for the normalization of the Basque Country, whose objective is “not to see the Basque Country as a punishment and an obstacle” in public positions. One of the measures is that people who use Euskera in their jobs “reliably” will have access to the linguistic profile.
Leire Artola Arin 2024ko otsailaren 20a
Euskararen aurkako oldarraldiaren salaketa, Laudioko elkarretaratze batean. Argazkia: Kontseilua.

Decree 86/1997 on the standardization of the use of Euskera in the administrations of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa was implemented 26 years ago. The Basque Government has now updated the rule, which was awaiting approval at the government meeting on Tuesday, but which due to health problems of a family member of Iñigo Urkullu has delayed the session. The content of the new decree, as reported by EiTB, is expected to be presented in Tabakalera de Donostia on Wednesday.

It will affect jobs throughout the public sector of the CAPV, as well as the staff of the subcontracted companies, who will at least be responsible for the euskaldunisation of staff. There are exceptions. The aim of the law is to make the possibilities of complying with the linguistic profile “more flexible and easier”. In view of the “problem with attachment”, the government intends “not to see Euskera as a punishment and an obstacle”, said EiTB. The decree aims to promote the use of the Basque Country, “without prejudice to the Spanish language”, El Diario Vasco emphasizes.

Linguistic profile

The number of avenues for obtaining the linguistic profile will be extended: those who use the Basque language “reliably” in the workplace will have the possibility of obtaining the linguistic profile by conducting the opposition test in Euskera, without special examination of the Basque language or certificate. Another novelty is that the Administration will be able to request that the opposition take place in Basque or part of the examination in Basque, if necessary to cover that place. The conditions are pending clarification, but the decree states that the requirements will be adapted to the local socio-linguistic reality.

On the other hand, the linguistic profile may be different, both orally and in writing, depending on the “needs of the post” a different level will be required in either. They have been called asymmetric linguistic profiles. Symmetrical profiles shall demonstrate the same level orally and in writing.

Over 45 years, exempt

The normalization decree of the Basque Country contains a number of exceptions that must not fulfil any linguistic profile to work in the public administration. They are: people over 45 years old; people without a certain level of education – Baccalaureate, General Basic Education or Compulsory Secondary Education; people with “difficulty learning Basque” and with some type of disability; people with “manifest and proven disability” to learn a language through training programs aimed at adults.

Performance guarantees?

The law establishes a period of ten years to guarantee the Basque care to citizens. However, it is not known what the paths of execution of the decree are and what the barriers it will have, taking into account the judicial aggression against the Basque Country of last year. The decree has been drafted by the Advisory Legal Commission of the Basque Country and has ensured that they have wanted to make a text without legal loopholes.