Awarded the Argia de la comunicación Awards in Basque 2023
  • The awards have been six: audiovisual prize for the documentary Folder Urdinak, press prize for the Zugazart strips of opinion, audio prize (Min)bizi podkastari, internet prize to the Mastodon Vascas communities, campaign prize to the collective Azterketa Euskaraz and meritorious prize to Oihana Goiriena. More than a hundred people have met at the Atxega Palace in Usurbil.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko urtarrilaren 27a
2023ko Argia Sarien irabazle guztiak. / Argazkia: Dani Blanco. Dani Blanco


After two years of delivering the Argia Awards at a distance, it was a source of satisfaction to meet again for the ARGIA team at the Atxega Palace in Usurbil. In this 34th edition, more than a hundred people have gathered around a great meal; people from the Basque media, cultural agents of the Basque Country, Euskaltzales and other representatives of the Basque culture. This year, moreover, we have been among the guests with eight ARGIA subscribers for over 50 years.

The awards ceremony took place after the meal and the winners received a trophy created by the sculptor Antton Mendizabal. This year, clicking on more information:

Nearby ARGIA community

The Argia Awards have returned with the changes: the protagonists of pruning Sponnea Y Natural have been present at the event. The awards ceremony has been presented by Haizea Arana and Aner Peritz, and Leire Vargas and Oihana Arana have interviewed the winners to collect the impressions after obtaining trophies.

Another innovation has been that ARGIA people have been closer than ever. To thank the support of the ARGIA community, on behalf of the people who have subscribed for over half a century, we have had eight special guests at the Atxega Palace: Antton Dorronsoro, Nekane Aierbe, Mila Manterola, Arantzazu Royo, Juan and Feli Aleman, and Jon and Lukas Barandiaran.

Journalistic interest times

Like every year, the ARGIA team has offered a speech on this special day, and Mikel García has spoken on behalf of everyone. He has underlined the support of the ARGIA community: for the seventh year in a row we are winning subscriptions and has qualified it as significant, because it is not common in these times.

He has also explained that we are experiencing interesting times, because from the journalistic point of view there is much to be said in turmoil times, and because in times of crisis the solidity of the ARGIA project is confirmed: “In the face of the waves of crisis and the hardest moments of capitalism, the values inside the home make all sense. We believe in mutual care, in horizontal internal organization, in the importance of keeping the team united and strong”. Read the full conference here.

We thank the following sponsors of this event:

  • Diputación Foral de Álava
  • Provincial Council of Bizkaia
  • Emakunde
  • Basque Government, Department of Culture and Linguistic Policy
  • Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa
  • Kutxabank
  • Labor Fund
  • Government of Navarra. Euskarabidea, Instituto Navarro del Euskera