Albertia Day will be the beginning of the collaboration between Jarki and Eusko Ekintza
  • It will be held on 15 August at the top of Mount Albertia de Legutiano and on the Gaztelua road. The organizations Eusko Ekintza and Jarki have made public a joint communiqué in which they have shown their support.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko abuztuaren 10
2016ko Albertia Eguna. Argazkia: Eusko Lurra Fundazioa

Albertia Day is a highly prestigious event related to historical memory, organized annually by ANV since Franco. Following the outlawing of political formation, Basque Action has taken witness to today’s protest. In the 1936 war, the most crude conflict occurred in the Legutiano area in the Basque Country. The organizers have recalled that in Albertia many Gudaris and militiamen from different political forces have joined together to deal with fascism and to underline the need to continue to work together at present.

In a joint document published by Eusko Ekintza and Jarki, they have emphasized that among the organizations of the independence left "mistrust and separation prevail". Thus, they affirm that no alternative can be materialized, so "it is necessary to create the necessary conditions to weave bridges and spaces of collaboration". In this sense, they have pointed out that this is "a result of collaboration and collaboration". The collaboration between Jarki and Eusko Ekintza will not be timely and that of Albertia will be the first joint initiative.

On Saturday, 15 August, at 12:00 a.m., the Gudaris will be honoured at the top of Albertia and at 13:30 a.m. there will be a political event in the Castle Stand.