Pedagogical videos in Basque and free in different fields of knowledge
  • The Ikusgela project will disseminate pedagogical videos related to philosophy, economics, history, mathematics, etc., to share them in Basque and freely. In order to adapt knowledge to the “new narratives”, the project is coordinated by the Cultural Association of Basque Wikilaris and Hiru Damatxo is responsible for the audiovisual.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2022ko maiatzaren 24a

The Aula will disseminate “videos to understand the world”, both on the web and on social networks, composed of free content and created for free use and sharing. They are content directed to students, but also to anyone interested in the topics discussed. Beyond formal areas, they also want to get people used to “seeing contents in Basque in the informal sphere”.

Working with school contents

The videos will start to spread from September, but on Wednesday morning you will see the snack: A video about the philosophers Hannah Arendt and Simone de Beauvoir. This year, for the first time in Hego Euskal Herria, both authors will be recognized in the University Access Evaluation and have elaborated their videos “with the aim of alleviating a lack observed in the elaboration of school contents”, with the collaboration of the Agora Philosophy Association and the Joxe Azurmendi Chair of the UPV.