Jaizkibel calls on the institutions to take responsibility following Saturday's attacks in Hondarribia
  • The egalitarian company Jaizkibel has published a note the day after the Alarde de Hondarribia in which he denounces the aggression suffered on Saturday. “The experience of the Gran Vía de Hondarribia showed the strongest side of a backward wave,” Jaizkibel said in his paper.
ARGIA @argia 2018ko irailaren 10
Jaizkibel Konpainiako kide ugarik beldurra pasa zuten Kale Nagusian, Alarde parekidearen kontrako presioarengatik (argazkia: Bidasoaldeko Hitza).

Black plastics, whistles, insults and attacks on journalists: last Saturday the company Jaizkibel suffered the hardest Alarde of all time in the Gran Vía de Hondarribia. The egalitarian company has denounced, through a statement on Facebook, the institutional leaders of a situation that is repeated year after year.

“We have asked the City Hall to take responsibility, which creates a wrong and mismanaged situation,” they said: Borja Jauregi, Aitor Kerejeta and Txomin Sagarzazu have highlighted the names of mayors and mayors, and have stressed that "they are all responsible".

“But what keeps the reactionary wave growing and moving forward in full impunity is the Department of the Interior,” says Jaizkibel, because the Ertzaintza has not taken the necessary measures to stop the persecution for two decades. According to Jaizkibel, the Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu is the "ultimate controller" of the situation.

They have asked the City Hall, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the Basque Government to “once and for all put aside the issues of power and vote to channel the solution to this problem”. It’s enough.”