The members of the company Jaizkibel will not pay the fines imposed by the Basque Government with the Moorish Law
  • The company Jaizkibel, belonging to the Alarde de de Hondarribia, announced this Friday afternoon that it will not pay the fines imposed by the Department of Security of the Basque Government to two members of the company.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko urtarrilaren 26a
Herritarrez inguratuta eman zuen prentsaurrekoa ostiralean Jaizkibel konpainiak (argazkia: Alba Fatuarte).

Oihana Etxebarrieta, head of the Jaizkibel company, and former captain Izaskun Larruskain, appeared before the media this Friday. In particular, it was the two members of Jaizkibel who were fined EUR 200 each.

The Department of Security of the Basque Government argued in the fine imposed on the two members that on 8 September, the day of the celebration of the Alarde de de Hondarribia, several people joined the parade without uniform and "this situation exacerbated the whistles and cries of the public".

"We find it incredible to accuse us of the aggression that others set in motion earlier, hidden behind the black plastics that have been attacked. They are responsible. No to the Jaizkibel company," Larruskain said.

At the press conference on Friday, Jaizkibel has assured that they do not accept what is charged to them and will not pay the fine imposed. "With these two fines, the Basque Government has wanted to punish the fight for equality between men and women in the Basque Autonomous Community," they said.

Three other people have also been fined for the incidents that have taken place when they were trying to show their support for Jaizkibel in the area. In this sense, at the press conference they expressed their gratitude for the support of women to the company that they parade as men "and especially for facing the harsh situation of the Gran Vía".

The appearance was collected in the video by the Word of Hondarribia.