Emakunde draws the Guide to Preventing Violence against Women at Parties
  • Emakunde has developed, in collaboration with the Deputies of the three CAPV and EUDEL territories, the Guide for the Promotion of Local Processes for the Prevention of Male Violence against Women at Parties. This guide will be sent to the CAPV City Councils after two years of festive inactivity by the pandemic to prevent the macho attacks on women during this summer’s festivities.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko maiatzaren 24a
Emakunde, Jaurlaritzako Berdintasun saila eta EUDELeko ordezkariak jaietako emakumeen kontrako indarkeria prebenitzeko gidaren aurkezpenean.

This guide is aimed at Municipalities, Party Commissions, Hospitality, Txosnas and all people or groups that organize public holidays. It offers guidelines for boosting and strengthening the processes that help to enjoy the festivities without machista aggressions: how to identify and prevent machista aggressions, how to deal with aggressions, how to organize the public response after an attack... It also includes a special annex for the hospitality sector and the txosnas.

On an annual basis, Emakunde makes available to the municipalities the material of prevention for the festivities, within the Beldur Barik programme it develops in coordination with EUDEL and the three Deputies cited. This year this guide will be disseminated within this programme.

Here you can read the full guide.