Jabi Asurmendi, new president of Udalbiltza
  • Jabi Asurmendi Sainz, Mayor of Arakaldo (EH Bildu), will be the president of Udalbiltza in the period 2019-2023, taking over from Luis Intxausperi.
2019ko azaroaren 18a
Jon Jauregiren, Loren Arkotxaren (ezkerretik hirugarrena), Mertxe Aizpuruaren (ezkerretik lehena) eta Luis Intxausperen (eskuinetik lehena) lekukoa hartu du Jabi Asurmendik / Udalbiltza

The Association celebrated its 20th anniversary in Durango this Saturday with an assembly to renew its direction. The Vice-Presidents shall be the Mayor of Asteasu, PILI Legarra, and the Councillor of Viana, Irantzu Antoñana.

Main axes

In total, 1,050 people from all over the Basque Country make up Udalbiltza. Durango's mayor, Ima Garrastatxu, explained in the opening of the assembly that Udalbiltza "is a national public institution with the intention of building bridges above the administrative limits that differentiate us and that today and here it aims to take steps and develop concrete proposals to advance the construction of Euskal Herria, always pulling the lines of territorial development, transforming social economy, sustainability and networks".

Concerning short-term work, the main axes are: The projects Ikerbiltza, Hurbilago, Hartu eta Hauspotu; the touristic application Lurgida and the memory space of the history of Euskal Herria.