The School of Empowerment in Vitoria-Gasteiz, following the examples of feminism, for the Basque country
  • Izaskun Arrue Kulturgunea of Vitoria-Gasteiz (IAK) and UEU will launch the School of Empowerment for Euskaldunes, with the objective of empowering Basques and Basques and, consequently, transforming society. The presentation will be held on 30 October by Garikoitz Goikoetxea. "Drawing the directions of the language."
Sustatu 2024ko urriaren 15

For example, feminists in Euskal Herria have organized Schools of Empowerment; Basques also have the opportunity to do so in this regard. According to CAMA and UEU, "what will serve for the reflection, empowerment and articulation necessary for the Basques of our city and surroundings, and what will start this new era of the Basque cultural project of Vitoria-Gasteiz".

In practice, a classroom training course or seminar will be held on Wednesdays from 18:00 to 20:00 hours from 27 November to 7 May next year.

Manex Agirre Arriolabengoa will be the school’s driving force, and Agirre himself and GARIKOITZ Goikoetxea will offer a presentation and a conference on October 30 at CAMA, at 18:00. Goikoetxea's talk will be "drawing the addresses of the language," and will be open to the general public. The seminar will then be paid, but you can decide after October. Each of the programme activities should also be targeted (see programme).

More information, here.