On Sunday of the general elections in Germany, the Berliners have not only been able to give their opinion on the government of the country, but also on housing policy. The referendum was promoted by the Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen movement, born in 2019. The citizens' initiative proposes expropriating large real estate companies and funds with more than 3,000 homes, a total of 240,000, approximately 15% of the total housing in the city. Once evicted, the promoters of the initiative propose that housing become public property. Expropriation would not be complete, as compensation is provided for companies of EUR 13.7 billion. 56.4% of the population voted in favour of it, while 39% voted against.
Non-binding victory
The outcome of the referendum is not binding. With this victory, the Berliners have asked the German Senate to develop a law to regulate the above measures. The fruits of a long struggle are both the holding of the referendum and the result in favour. The consequences of the results of Sunday will be seen later, but at least they are already an important step towards putting speculation and increased pressure on housing on the agenda.