Thin lavender much more than a perfume
  • The medicinal plant Lavandula is also called band and herb hedge, yes, I have said it well, as it is a medicinal plant, although for many it remains a sweet aroma or air conditioning. In the herbord, in any trade of household decorations and also in pharmacy, we will find photographs of the cultivation fields framed by lavender fines. It's also common in the covers of self-help books and psychology journals, which means something. Aesthetically it's attractive and it's fashionable, I'm sure most of you will know it both through your eyes and through your nose.
GarbiƱe Larrea Iturralde 2023ko irailaren 04a
Argazkia: Dani Blanco / ARGIA CC BY SA

This hinders its consideration as a medicinal plant. "How am I going to take a colony flavored infusion? ", "No other relaxing medicinal plants, if it was so good it would not be used for perfumes? ". I often have to answer these kinds of questions, because if we have once placed a medicinal plant in a category, a medicinal herb is free to let you see how it goes further.

The adult flower is rich in essential oil, multicomponent oil. The presence of tannins, rosmarinic acid, cumarins and phytosterols is calming, able to calm any type of spasm (including the intestines), has the ability to clean and heal wounds (hence its scientific name), serves to balance hormones in menopause, to soothe headache, muscles and rheumatism. With the infusion of a dry violet flower we can take advantage of them.

It flourishes in summer and concentrates at noon on full sunny days. It is highly recommended for diarrheal and digestive disorders so frequent in summer. In fact, in addition to calming the intestines, it is good for removing gases produced by fermentation and soothing duodenal irritation. As a soothing liver and helping to flush bile, I would say it is as good as many other better known to the digestive system.

For those who cannot take the infusion, who smells like soap or perfume, I propose a refreshing and different drink to drink during the summer. An infusion of 1 liter of water, 250 ml of fine lavender (to choose from one or two tablespoons of dessert), a 250 gr of blackberry shake and a pinch of salt, and drink in the refrigerator for one hour and during the day, away from meals. When it comes to drinking, they will influence me and tell me how you have slept, how you have calmed your anger or heart or what freshness you have felt throughout your body.

It is a time for the distillation of its essential oil, not reaching Provence even in Olite. Around this oil a false belief was generated that caused gynecomastia (breast development in men). Although it has been proven that the result of a misguided diffuse investigation is wrong, it works with boluses, witnesses of any internet search.