Donostia shows the history and adventures of salmon fishing
  • Archaeologist Josu Narbarte and biologist Iñaki Sanz Azkue will give a talk on Tuesday about the endangered fish species in the rivers and estuaries of Euskal Herria at Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea in Donostia. The results of the research were published in the Larrun supplement on the socio-economic importance and history of salmon in the past.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko irailaren 19a
Izokin-arrantzarako azpiegiturak Aturrin (argazkia: Wikimedia)

On September 20, archaeologist Josu Narbarte and biologist Iñaki Sanz will offer a talk on salmon at the Koldo Mitxelena in Donostia under the title The Seven Centuries of Conflict on Salmon Fishing. The talk is organized by the KMK and the association of historians of Gipuzkoa Miguel de Aranburu, within the cycle "Unfamiliar passages in the history of Gipuzkoa".

Historical salmon avatars and their fishing, as well as the socio-economic importance that this species of fish had in the past, have been the subject of study by Sanz Azkue and Narbarte, in which over the centuries the exploitation of this living "resource" has aroused many conflicts. The population was captured with fishing techniques adapted to their particular lifecycle and today it is practically disappeared from our estuaries and rivers.

The results of this study were published in October of last year at the Larrun supplement of ARGIA, and conclude that it is a species to preserve not only from the point of view of natural heritage and biodiversity, but also as historical heritage of the Basque Country: "When we talk about salmon, we don't just talk about a fish that can be found in some rivers of the Basque Country and that is listed as "of special interest." The path he has taken and the footprints he has left in Basque society are important in managing salmon, so that he also has to take care of it for its historical importance. Salmon, because it's also a fish-shaped heritage."

The talk will start at 19:30 and you can watch it streaming.