Withdrawal of Francoist names from the street in Erandio
  • The Erandio plenary unanimously approved, at the session of 31 October, the withdrawal of the street from the names of persons linked to Franco. A popular consultation will be held to determine the names to be replaced by them.
Hiruka .eus Unai Brea @unaibrea2 2019ko azaroaren 08a
Besteak beste, Jose Urrea kalearen izena egokituko dute, iturrien arabera.

Following the adoption of the motion tabled by EH Bildu, the plenary has decided to delete from the street the names of the Franco who are still in Erandio. According to the motion approved, "the recognition and toponymy of the contribution of women to the history of the people will be prioritized", according to EH Bildu.

In order to carry out this decision, the Abertzale coalition will ask the City Hall to set up a citizens' commission as soon as possible. The role of this committee would be, inter alia, to propose a date for consultation, to establish mechanisms for participation and to prepare the question of consultation.

For its part, EH Bildu has not clarified which street will affect the measure of the Abertzale coalition. According to the newspaper Naiz, this group includes the streets Damaso Moja and José Urrea, according to the list managed by the Instituto Gogora. Other sources also speak of José Luis Goioaga Street.