Izaskun Igoa won the V Petronor Flag disputed in Barcelona waters. Donostia Kultura Poetry Competition
  • Izaskun Igoa (Ziga, Navarra, 1995) has won the fifth poetry competition organized by Donostia Kultura and Balea zuria in collaboration with Donostia Kultura.
Irutxuloko Hitza @irutxulo Xalba Ramirez @xalbaram 2022ko martxoaren 23a

Igoa has imposed itself for the work of feeding the cold. In 2020, the young writer got a special mention in poetry with the work Tierra zango zolaren gainean, in the XXX Contest of New Authors organized by the City Council of Pamplona. Literary Competition in Euskera. Since 2019, he has been collaborating with Ttipi Ttapa.

According to the jury, the cold grass work has as its axis “consciousness and being”. “Without giving up the body, it demonstrates the ability to delve into the concerns and reflections of beyond, maintaining balance and being emotional,” they stressed. They have also highlighted the poetic sense and references that the author has used in a dispersed way, as a tribute.

The economic prize for this poetry competition is 1000 euros, besides being given a painting by Imanol Larrinaga and the editorial Balea zuria will publish the awarded work.

This poetry competition, carried out in collaboration with the editorial Donostia Kultura and Balea Zuria, was born with the objective of spreading poetry in Basque and promoting the work of young writers who have not turned 35 years old.