On the La Concha Flag women cannot share life with men
  • Izaro Lestayo, from Getaria, is the first female patron in the history of male rowing leagues. Donostia Kultura has confirmed that he will not be able to participate in the Concha race, which is being held in Donostia.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko abuztuaren 07a
Izaro Lestayo. Irudia: Hamaika telebista

Izaro Lestayo has been working as a patron at the Getaria trainera since June, at the male Act and ARC leagues. It is the first woman to work with a man in the world. The first race of the season disputed it in June, and since then it has had no problems participating in various races. So far.

The public body Donostia Kultura has reported in a statement that Lestayo will not be able to exercise a skipper in the male run of the Concha Flag: “The competition is not mixed, there is a male and a female flag.” According to the organizers, the regulations state that in the male race the pattern must also be male and in the female race the woman.

Not in Gatelés, yes in Basque

The Spanish version of the regulation prevents Lestayo: it is determined that the pattern of the female race should be “pattern” and that of the men “pattern”. In the Basque legislation, however, it is written that in both cases, along with the 13 remers, a “pattern” will intervene.

Donostia Kultura’s decision has been wrapped up in a debate that has aroused views in favour of regulatory change.