The trial against the man who attacked Izar Majarenas in the courts of Valencia was held this Tuesday morning. The Prosecutor's Office asks for 30 years in prison for the man, accused of trying to kill his two-year-old daughter with a knife.
The defendant has only answered the questions of his lawyer, who has denied any liability. “Was Sara in prison for ETA membership?” was the lawyer’s first question. However, the judge has not allowed him to go down that road. The man admitted that he tried to kill his daughter, that he regretted it, but that he did not remember exactly what he did.
The aggressor has reported that he had a poor relationship with the parents of Sara Majarenas, grandmothers and grandparents of Izar, and has linked the aggression. According to the Prosecutor’s Office’s letter, the man immediately called after committing the attack on Izar’s grandfather and expressed his pride in what he had done.
Psychological effects
Majarenas and his father have declared by videoconference from Euskal Herria. The father has declared that he had a good relationship with the man until Christmas 2016, when the aggression took place in January 2017.
Majarenas explained that he maintained a relationship with man for six years and that he was arrested in Barcelona. He recalled that the day of the aggression Izar was with his father and that the man had begun to threaten him with a telephone conversation. Then he heard on the phone the “creepy” screams of his daughter on the other side. In addition to the physical injuries, the singer’s mother said that Izar suffered severe psychological sequelae and that she still suffers from post-traumatic stress, although it is not serious.
The trial is scheduled to continue until next Thursday, the day on which it will be judged.