"I don't trust my doctors' misconduct."
  • Amaia Martín had two doctors from one year to the next, denounces the “lack of professionalism” of both: “The doctor told me there was no psychological care.”
Olaia L. Garaialde 2022ko azaroaren 25

Amaia Martínez tells the bad experiences lived in recent years at the Health Center and talks about anxiety, acne and dermatitis, among other issues. You do not want to register because you do not want me to act at work: “It’s very intimate and mental health is very stigmatized.” In the last year he has had two doctors and denounced the “bad attitude” and “lack of professionalism” of both: “It’s not just with me, it’s a very widespread situation.” As a result, less and less goes to the doctor: “I don’t trust the bad attitude of the doctors I’ve had and I think it won’t help me.”

As she had acne on her face and back, due to pain and aesthetics she decided to go to the doctor. He was attended at the Buenavista Health Centre in Portugalete (Bizkaia). It was not an easy decision, as the treatment was “very violent” for the body, but decided to move forward. He denounces that the reception received that day was “very bad”: “Some attitudes he had seen before were not very good.” When the doctor saw facial acne, having less, it didn't matter, but having more on the back had another reaction: “How nasty,” he said to the other practicing physician.”

For Martínez, the decision to go to the doctor has been a great job and believes that he can do “a lot of pain” depending on his situation and self-esteem: “I had a lot to take on the situation, but you think someone is asking for help or struggling to take that first step, if you get an answer like that, what will happen?”

So she decided to change her doctor. In order to make the change, you need to be in person and be with that doctor for at least six months. “When I asked for the change, they told me there was only one doctor left, so I started with him because there was no alternative.”

"The doctor told me there was no psychological care and that he tells the young people to go private in mental health."

He says that the first appointment with the new doctor was “bad”: “I told him three related problems and I was surprised by his answer. ‘Let it be short because we have a lot of people,’ he told me. He emphasizes that his attitude was not empathetic. However, he asked him to attend: “I had the excuse or justification for everything I was saying, I have an allergy because I am allergic and I have dermatitis because it is a reaction of the body. Besides, he gave me no instructions.”

With dermatitis in the eyes and head, Martínez starts using the soap he had bought at the pharmacy, told his doctor and asked for advice, but did not receive recommendations: “He told me it doesn’t matter where I buy soap, and he didn’t tell me if it was right or there was another alternative.”

In addition, due to his anxiety, he requested psychological help to be attended in the public system: “The doctor told me there was no psychological care, and he tells the young people to go private in mental health.” The answer surprised and blocked: “This is not an adequate response, it does not know what my economic situation is and what my resources are.” He went home with his bare hands.