The Korrika will take advantage to bring to the center students with functional diversity "who stay in the shade"
  • Several alternative classrooms of the Model D schools of Navarra – working with students with functional diversity – will take the witness of the Korrika this Tuesday afternoon, claiming social and school diversity. “The key is to change your gaze, because many times it’s us who set limits where there are no limits.”
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2022ko apirilaren 05a

From the alternative classrooms, the Ricardo Baroja and Toki Ona de Bera institutes, the ikastola Andra Mari of Etxarri Aranatz, and the public school Hegoalde of Pamplona, the institute Iturrama and the institute of Sarriguren, “with the hope of sowing smiles in a society that has been so agitated lately.”

In Azanza, on kilometer 1291, they will take the witness of the Korrika at 17:24 in the afternoon, and give prominence to these young people, who usually remain in the background. “The Department of Education of Navarra has made a great commitment that students with functional diversity, together with the rest of students, should be in the educational centers of their villages, opening new classrooms and promoting inclusion,” stressed the professionals and families of the alternative classrooms.

They say that the school, like society, is like a garden, “and what makes a beautiful garden are the plants in it and its care. The Korrika of this year, we want to take advantage of to bring to the sun the plants that are often left in the shade. In this way, with the light of the sun and the hug, the applause and nice quotes of all those around us, all their wilted leaves will be transformed into multicolored flowers.”

Although we often see the opposite where there are no limits, "we also run," they claim alternative classrooms, "even if it's often with a small trap."