In Hiribarrena, Abertzale Herriari ' s candidacy to the Citadel has won 519 votes in difference. Jean Paul Iturburua (504) was third with Louis Uztarrotz (206).
Here you can read the articles of Hiribarrena in ARGIA and in the interview that Subai Hill did a few years ago said: "The North estimates the rich from the outside too much."
In 1956, Mikel Avenarren Itsasun was born. He is a farmer, an ELB militant and secretary general of the Confédération Paysanne of France since 2013. In 1998, along with three other farmers in the neighborhood, he founded a consumption group or AMAP called Saskia de Basaburua, the first of them in the Basque Country. It is an essential reference for understanding the peasant struggles of the last decades. It was the cover of ARGIA.