Next 10th of January will be the next bertsos session of Haizea Comes in the gaztetxe of Itsasu
  • Haizea etor is an initiative of the Bertsularien Lagunak association to offer places to young bertsolaris from Lapurdi, Zuberoa and Baja Navarra. Each bertsolaris school has a responsibility to organize a session in its village. In October, the first session was held in Muskildi, and until May, there will be one session per month.
Estitxu Eizagirre @eeizagirre 2020ko urtarrilaren 09a
Abenduaren 6an Hendarian egin zen Haizea Dator ekimeneko saioan Aitor Servier kantuan. Argazkia:

The organizers have welcomed the actions carried out in Muskildi, Senpere and Hendaia, both the number of attendees, the participation of the bertsolaris and the responsibility of the organisation that the bertso-eskolas have taken.

These are the next quotes from the initiative:

-10 January, Itsasu (in the gaztetxe Goxoki)

-6 February, in Baiona (Kalostrape)

-13 March, Azkaine (Xoko Ona).

-3 April, Urruña (in the Berttoli society)

-15 May, Baigorri (Basaizea Society)