Armintza installs the first wind turbine to produce wind energy at sea
  • It is the first marine turbine connected to the Spanish electricity grid. It is located two miles from the seaside and is expected to generate enough energy to supply 2,000 homes.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko irailaren 19a
Argazkia: Eusko Jaurlaritza

Saitec Offshore Technologies, based in the Basque Country, has led the project called DemoSATH, financed by the Basque Government, to which two major companies have joined: German RWE and Japanese The Kansai Electric Power (Kepco). It has been located on the Biscayan coast, in Armintza, two miles from the coast.

Project drivers have announced that they will generate 2MW of energy per year, equivalent to 2,000 homes.

Urkullu considers the energy transition "viable"

The Basque Government presented the project on Monday in Bermeo and had representatives of the driving companies.

"There is no planet B," said lehendakari IƱigo Urkullu before the cameras. It indicates that the energy transition is "viable", as the first wind turbine installed at sea is "on the right track". "Our future, that of our children, that of our grandchildren, will depend on the decisions we make today."

The Environment Minister, Arantxa Tapia, has taken the words she has frequently used to argue the need for such projects: "We always bet on renewables if they're away from home, right? That individualistic approach must leave it and think about everyone. We have to be consistent with our decisions."