Getxo receives a demonstration to stop the tunnel project under the river
  • Last Saturday, hundreds of citizens took part in the demonstration to demand the suspension of the tunnel project that the Provincial Council of Bizkaia intends to build under the Ria. The conveners of the No Subflubial platform counted about 500 participants in the mobilization made from the Itzubaltzeta/Romo de Getxo streets and announced new actions for September.
Ander Zarraga Hiruka .eus 2024ko ekainaren 18a
Proiektua geldiarazteko plataformak aste-akabuko kanpaldia iragarri zuen irailaren 21erako. / Argazkia: Subflubiala ez plataforma.

The demonstration ended in the park of Armur, in the green area that would occupy the tunnel works. Its reading lists a number of arguments for curbing the project, such as the waste of over EUR 600 million, its poor planning in terms of mobility and transport, the environmental impact of works and infrastructure and the fight against sustainable mobility policies and the commitment to private vehicles.

They also underlined their intention to continue fighting to curb the project they want to launch in December and announced their intention to conduct a weekend camp in the Armup Park on 21 September. "We will give life to the park through playful and cultural actions, and we will make it clear that we will defend this plot against the diminutive and imposed infrastructure," they stressed.