Italy will temporarily hire 85,000 teachers in September to have lower school ratios
  • The Italian Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, has maintained her commitment to presential schools for the new course and has proposed a strong investment.
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko abuztuaren 10

The Government of Italy has started to recruit 84,808 teaching teachers, according to the Italian newspaper La Stampa. The Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, has awarded jobs for a period in which lower ratios need to be maintained. In addition, 50,000 more workers will be hired, “with the aim of giving more work and avoiding double shifts”. Yes, everyone will have a temporary contract.

Azzolina has sworn on a television show that if there is another lockdown the new teachers will not be fired. “It is true that there are many difficulties, but we have still extended the contracts and are now better prepared.” Italy's public debt currently accounts for 137.60% of GDP.

Many parents do not agree to go back to school until it is vaccinated for younger children. Azzolina, who says "understand" her fears, has reiterated her commitment to return. "History will tell whether or not we did the right thing," he concluded.