Itaia celebrates on June 4 a day at the level of the Basque Country
  • For the second consecutive year, the network of socialist women Itaia has organized a national day under the slogan "murdered women". They will meet on 4 June in Hernani.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko apirilaren 26a

Thus explains Itaia to ARGIA the objective of this day: "In short, the main objective of these days is to create a space for reflection and debate on the challenges that working women have to develop in daily life our theoretical and political capacities in relation to our oppression."

They denounce that "in the capitalist system, the means are put in place to depoliticize working women, hindering our interests and capabilities with respect to theory and politics", as explained in this video:

The first day was held last year in Urretxu-Zumarraga, and they decided to organize it for the second consecutive year.