Israel says the blockade will continue until Sixteen releases the hostages
  • This is a message from the Israeli Energy Minister. Thousands of people have already died in this war between Palestine and Israel. In preparing for land aggression, the Israeli Army continues with air strikes, ignoring calls from the UN and international humanitarian organizations to stop a war without laws or rules. It has also been opened that before the Saturday attack Egypt informed Israel that Hamas was preparing something.
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Argazkia: NPR News

According to the Palestinian Authority, the deaths in Gaza until Thursday morning are 1,200, half children and women. The wounded are 5,600. In the West Bank, Israeli forces have also killed 28 Palestinians and wounded 150. According to the Israeli army, Sixteen killed 1,300 Israelis and wounded 3,300.

Israel has Gaza completely blocked, so Gazans can only move in the territories of Gaza. According to the UN Palestinian Refugee Agency, there are 338,000 displaced persons, of whom more than 218,000 are in the schools of that agency and 15,000 in the centres of the Palestinian Authority. Gaza's hospitals are saturated, and international humanitarian organizations warn that with the blockade of light and water, hospitals can become huge depots.

Pending attack

The Israeli Government insists that the war will be long and has also confirmed that the land will be attacked and incorporated into Gaza, after having sufficiently shaken the infrastructure of Sixteen. However, Hamas is ready for this, knows what awaits it and its militias can react harshly in the prepared scenario. The Israelis have everything in their favour, air control and hundreds of tanks on the ground, the army of 300,000 soldiers and, among others, the support and total assistance of the American army.

But Sixteen has learned a lot from the previous attacks on Israel and the city guerrillas are better prepared for war. Heavy anti-tank mines and anti-tank missiles can do much damage to the Israeli army. They also have thousands of rockets to launch Israel. Israel destroys them as usual, but in attack last Saturday Sixteen threw thousands and blocked the defense system. The figures are not clear, but many Israelis have died from these rockets.

Now with the attacks by the Israeli army in Gaza, in addition to punishing the civilian population, the Israelis are destroying the infrastructure of Sixteen. Another thing is how far they get it, given that the underground in Gaza is covered in tunnels. The Israeli army killed hundreds of Palestinians in attack on the land in 2007 and lost 67 soldiers. There is no question who will win the war at the moment, but how many welded and civil can lose now?

Embarked upon lockdown

It is not clear how many Israelis have Hamas kidnapped, but according to the Israeli army it would be 97, including the Basque living in Ivan Illarramendi in Israel. The Israeli Government’s Minister of Energy, Israel Katz, has assured us that the blockades of water, fuel and electricity will not be eliminated until Sixteen releases the hostages, “humanitarianism in exchange for humanitarianism, nobody will give us a moral lesson.”

This would be a new way of proceeding with the abductees, as hitherto the two countries have the habit of exchanging for prisoners. For example, the driver tank Gilad Shalit was very famous, was held in 2006 and in 2011 released by 1,027 prisoners.

Egypt reported to Israel

The chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Delegates, Michael McCaul, said that Egypt alerted Israel to the possibility that Hamas was preparing something three days before Saturday’s attacks, according to The Guardian. However, as McCaul points out, the key is to know to what extent the warning was made.

The secret services of Egypt and Israel are working together to ensure that Hamas is controlled and Egypt is said to have a high level of information about Hamas, as relations between Hamas and the Muslim Brothers of Egypt are very close. Since the Egyptian army struck a coup d’état against the legitimate Muslim Brother who ruled the country in 2013, it has promoted strong repression against this institution.

Propaganda war: Col Kfar

Kfar Aza is a kibbutza located two kilometres from Gaza and one of those attacked by Hamas on 7 October. It took the Israeli army two days to retake the people. The village has about 700 inhabitants and, according to the army, Sixteen killed about 100 citizens. That's Monday. On Tuesday, on the contrary, and with the invitation of many international media, the army organized a media tour of the people to publicize the Hamas massacre.

But on this occasion they issued news that spread rapidly around the world: Sixteen militiamen cut off 40 young children. However, they did not show any evidence in images or in others. However, the majority of the international media reported this very broadly. That is not always the case, but the case of Seymour Hersh, which this year published that the United States had cracked the gas pipeline between Russia and Germany. The New York Times, Washington Post and many others did not report Hershen, arguing that the journalist did not report his sources.

In the wake of child news, the PP spokesman's chio, Borja Semper, has also spread widely: “Sixteen cut off the children’s heads in the crib. Children in the crib. And I'm not going to say anything else. Yes, context lovers and equidistant people can go to the freak.