Hannibal Directive
On 7 October the Israeli Army also killed its soldiers and civilians, according to 'Haaretz'
  • The Israeli newspaper Haaretz has carried out several months of investigation into the Israeli army’s response to the Hamas offensive on 7 October. He has spoken to many soldiers and army officers and the conclusion is clear: Israel launched the Hannibal Directive, as many people said earlier.
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This issue has already been highlighted in the weeks following the aggression. A preliminary investigation found that HAMAS militiamen were shot from helicopters, but that Israeli civilians were also killed in those attacks, who were arrested. Now, the Haaretz investigation further confirms the entry into force of the Hannibal Directive by the authorities of the Israeli army. Under this Directive, in order to prevent soldiers from falling prisoners and blackmail into the hands of the enemy, it is permitted to attack the places where the kidnapped soldiers are located, even if this endangers the lives of the soldiers.

On 7 October, 1,139 people died in the Hamas attack and 250 were abducted in the centre of the country. The investigations point, however, to the fact that several of the deaths were caused by the Israeli Army, which is following the Israeli regime. Five hours after Hamas began the attack, at 11:22 hours in particular, the Gaza Division received an order that no vehicle should arrive in Gaza.

“Everyone knew then that they could bring civilians or soldiers into those vehicles and everyone knew what it meant to prevent them from returning to Gaza,” Haaretz told a military source. However, according to the newspaper, it is unknown whether or not the Israeli Army caused death by the earthquake that ravaged the capital of Gaza.

It is clearer that the Army used the Hannibal protocol in three military areas, including the Reim base attacked by HAMAS, where there was the Gaza Division headquarters and the Nahal Oz advanced headquarters. At 10:19 hours there was an attack by an Israeli drone to the base, but previously the members of Baskonia were alerted of the attack and warned that soldiers would immediately enter and would not leave the enabled points. It is not known, however, that as a result of the attacks by the two terrorists, Israeli civilians were killed, but in those areas, besides the members of HAMAS, there were also Israeli military personnel.

According to the study, at 7:15 hours they sent a drone to attack the border area between Gaza and Israel of Erez, in response, among other things, to a possible kidnapping of an Israeli. However, the army came to other Kibutz by land, where it may have prescribed the Aníbal directive. One of them is the Tribe of Beeri. In this locality, HAMAS kidnapped fourteen people at the house of citizen Pessi Cohen, and thirteen of them appear to have been killed with a shot fired from an Israeli tank.

The Anibal doctrine was created in 1986, after Hezbollah kidnapped three Israeli soldiers, but it is a subject surrounded by darkness, among other things because its full text has never been published. It is also said that the Israeli Army Chief of Staff, Gadi Ezenkote, left him in 2016.