Israel closes its Embassy in Ireland following the complaint of genocide in Dublin
  • The Israeli Foreign Ministry announced this Sunday the closure of its embassy in Dublin, after Ireland announced its accession to South Africa’s complaint against Israel.

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"Israelen aurkako muturreko politikagatik" itxi dute Dublingo enbaxada. Cillian Sherlock/PA Wire

"Ireland has crossed all the red lines in its relationship with Israel," said Foreign Minister Gideon Saar, adding that Ireland's acts and rhetoric are "anti-Semitic".

"The decision to close the Israeli embassy in Dublin has been due to the extremist policy of the Irish Government against Israel," the statement released by the Turkish minister said. In his words, Israel prioritizes bilateral relations with the countries of the world on the basis of their attitude towards Israel.

Israel withdrew its ambassador to Dublin last May, after Ireland recognised Palestine as a state, as did Spain and Norway.

Friendly relations with Moldova

On the other hand, the Foreign Minister has announced that by 2025 Israel will open an embassy in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova.

"Relations between Israel and Moldova are friendly and both countries are interested in broadening and deepening these relations. Moldova has an embassy in Israel and the time has come for Israel to have an embassy in Moldova," said Saar.