Israel rejects the proposed ceasefire EE.UU. agreed with him
  • Joe Biden said the US proposal put forward on Friday was agreed with Israel, but Netanyahu questions the possibility of a ceasefire until the total destruction of Hamas. Sixteen values the offer positively and shows their willingness to negotiate.
Jon Hidalgo Gereñu 2024ko ekainaren 04a
Jabalia errefuxiatu eremua. / Argazkia: Omar Al-Qattaa/AFP.

Last Friday, U.S. President Joe Bide presented a cease-fire proposal that would achieve in three phases the permanent cut and return of the hostages. The spokesperson for the Secretary of State for EE.UU. and the Security Commission stated that this was a proposal prepared by the Government of Israel, with the intermediation of EE.UU. Qatar and Egypt, and that Hamas was the only obstacle to the failure of the truce. Sixteen, for their part, reported that they considered the proposal for a ceasefire positive and that they were prepared to start negotiations on a plan for a permanent ceasefire.

But the proposal supposedly accepted by the Zionists is called into question by Netanyahu himself over the weekend. On the one hand, he said that the US plan is not going to ban Israel from continuing the “war” until Hamas is destroyed. On the other hand, he notes that the conditions for ending the war have not changed and that for a permanent ceasefire there is a need to destroy the military and command capabilities of Hamas, to release the hostages and to ensure that Gaza will not be a threat to Israel in the future. These conditions call into question what was said by EE.UU, that the proposal was aimed at a permanent ceasefire.

Three-phase proposal

The proposal put forward by Biden consists of three phases. The first provides for an immediate general cease-fire for six weeks. Sixteen would release some of the abducted persons, especially women, the elderly and the wounded, and Israel would release hundreds of Palestinian prisoners. The Zionist army would partially withdraw from Gaza outside large areas of population and ensure access to humanitarian aid, with a minimum of 600 trucks a day.

The second phase was called by Biden “the permanent end of hostilities.” Although he stated that it would be difficult to reach agreement on this, the proposal includes the release by Sixteen of all the living hostages and the complete withdrawal of the Zionist army from Gaza. The third phase would begin the reconstruction of Gaza and Hamas would donate the bodies of the dead Israelis.

International protection

Many countries accepted the US proposal. The G7 countries, Canada, Japan, France, Germany, Italy and Spain supported the agreement and Hamas was called upon to accept it. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates joined in the proposal of Biden and Qatar and Egypt called on Israel and Hamas to make the agreement a reality.

Israel’s mass protests to accept the US proposal to put pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu. About 120,000 people took to the streets during Sunday’s protests in Tel Aviv. In recent months there have been numerous protests against Netanyahu’s management in Israel. The families of the landlords have criticized the Prime Minister and have denounced that the attitude maintained during the Gaza Strip has hindered the return of the hostages.