Parliament of Navarra calls for Israel to be excluded from the Olympic Games
  • The Parliament of Navarre, with the favourable votes of EH Bildu and Geroa Bai, adopted the resolution proposed by the Joint Group with You. Parliament has called on the International Olympic Commission to denounce Israel’s genocidal attitude in Gaza and to take action.
Jon Hidalgo Gereñu 2024ko maiatzaren 03a
Erakunde sionistaren ordezkariak 2020an Tokioko Olinpiar Jokoetako hasiera ekitaldian. Argazkia: Reuters

The Parliament of Navarre has sent a message to the Spanish Government to urge the Spanish Olympic Commission to “not accept athletes or official representatives of the State of Israel” at the Paris Olympic Games of 2024, while the offensive against the citizens of Gaza lasts.

EH Bildu and Geroa Bai parliamentarians have shown their support for the resolution proposed by the Joint Group with You. UPN and PSN abstained and PPN and Vox voted against. The parliamentary group with you has argued that following the “permanent massacre” of more than seven months, Israel’s genocidal attitude and Olympic spirit cannot be reconciled.

Photo: Parliament of Navarra.

In February, numerous Navarros athletes published a video together with the Yala Nafarroa association against genocide and for the Palestinian people, according to EH Bildu parliamentarians.

The parliamentary group Daniel Lopez Gauzatu-Tú recalls that Russia and Belarus have not been invited to the Paris Olympic Games for their participation in the war in Ukraine. According to the latest news, athletes from Russia and Belarus will have to take part in the competition as “Neutral Individual Athlete” and will not be able to attend the opening of the Olympic Games. As measures have been taken against these two countries, they argue that the International Olympic Commission should fight Israel.