The PSE candidate, José Antonio Santano, was the most voted in the last elections, but in the absence of a week for the election of the mayor, the acting mayor is not guaranteed his renewal.
On June 3, the Basque Country Buru Batzar of the PNV began talks with the PSE-EE to reach agreements in local and municipal institutions. Irun, Xabier Iridoi, believes that the decision to make alliances with the PSE last Monday was taken "in a generalized way" by the Basque Country Buru Batzar. According to the latest news, Iridoi’s reading is not entirely wrong. In fact, the position adopted by Irun's jeltzale has conditioned the talks between the PNV and the PSE in this territory.
After the last municipal elections, the PSE has ten councillors, the PNV with seven, Elkarrekin Podemos with four, EH Bildu with three and pp with one. Apparently, an agreement between the PNV and Podemos could carry out the Iridoi mayor's office. This was done with the abstention of the PP. In any event, the logical thing to ensure stability would be for PNV, Elkarrekin and EH Bildu to achieve a government in Parliament.
For all these reasons, no one denies the difficulties that this triptych will have in carrying out the parliamentary term. In fact, urbanism is the axis and the basis of Irun’s policy in the near future.
Precisely, the urban policy of the last legislature was the main reason to break the relations between Santano and Iridoi. The municipal government, made up of Socialists and Jeltzales, was expelled by Mayor Santano, Iridoi, from the urban planning section of the municipality.
On 15 June, the meetings of the Municipal Councils and the election of Mayors will be held. In Irun, however, it is not so far clear which party is going to govern. This matter will be covered by the PNV-PSE pact at the level of the CAV.