The City of Pamplona will check the street to make all the plates bilingual
  • Informs that the City Hall is going to put in bilingual the names of several signs and streets written exclusively in Spanish. It announces the intention to "check" the entire street. The Basque ordinance requires that it be expressed in both languages, but UPN has not complied with it.
Ainara Rodil Jaime 2024ko otsailaren 07a
Iruñeko kale izendegia elebitan jartzea eskatzeko kontzentrazioa 2023 urtean, Konstituzio plazan. Argazkia: Euskararen Defentsarako Sarea

According to the ordinance of the Basque Country of Pamplona, signs of traffic, street names and public posters addressed to all citizens should be written in bilingual. That is, in Basque and Spanish. However, during the UPN mandate, the street names and other signs were in Spanish. There are two main examples: Plaza de la Constitución and Camino de Santiago park are in Spanish from the government of Enrique Maia.

The new City Government of Pamplona, led by EH Bildu, has announced that it will “review” the entire street in the capital and have a “proactive attitude” to correct it. In addition to the street name, the information posters are written exclusively in Spanish, and the City Council also intends to translate them into Basque. They will start with those located in the parking lot on the Trinitarian Coast II. "A citizen asked the city council that the reserved word be bilingual in the car parks for people with disabilities, but they are still in Spanish." This occurred during the mandate of Cristina Ibarrola. The current City Council has decided to close the judicial route by agreeing to the request made and maintaining similar behaviour in all other proceedings.

"The Basque and Spanish will have the same presence, so their content, size and contrast will be the same in both languages, in the labeling of plates, signs, posters and other elements of the linguistic landscape". According to the Basque ordinance, the City Council must request two reports before establishing the name in Basque to the street: one to the Municipal Archive to request the names for the roads and another to the Basque technician to set the name in Basque.