They report that the City of Pamplona has cut the budget to promote the Basque Country by 20%
  • The City of Pamplona/Iruña has made cuts this year in the amount planned for the Basque country. The decision was ratified at the plenary session held on 20 October and, consequently, the budget for the promotion of the Basque Country will fall by 20%.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko urriaren 29a
Arg.: Wikipedia

Since UPN took over the mayor of Pamplona, the agents of Euskalgintza have denounced that they are taking measures against the linguistic rights of the Euskaldunes, such as the modification of the municipal ordinances of last year, giving the Basque a smaller presence in the city hall, the cuts in the children's schools and now the latter. This is a measure taken by the councillor of UPN María García-Barberena that has decreased from 90,000 to 18,000 euros the amount destined to promote the Basque Country this year, considering that there have been fewer acts during the alarm.

The groups have denounced that this argument is not valid and that behind the decision is the will to eradicate acts in Basque. They have considered it more absurd than ever that this reduction should be made at this time, as projects and, among others, cultural players are now more in need than ever before. Furthermore, they have stressed that this year has been special due to the confinement, as families and individuals have had fewer contacts with the Basque than usual, so the promotion of the language should also have more support and not cuts.