The City of Pamplona has suspended the Bizi dance show, which was to be offered by Pirritx, Porrotx eta Marimotots on 29 November in Baluarte. The role was agreed with the former municipal government since May, but the new UPN government has rejected the Lower House’s proposal. Mertxe Rodriguez, Marimotots, said that they have not yet been given any reason, only that "a role is missing", and added that "there is nothing". Rodriguez added that they did not have to comply with this requirement. Clowns will hold a press conference next Monday at 17:30 a.m. at the Katakrak bookstore in Pamplona. Both will appear together with lawyer Iñigo Sancho to explain the details of what has happened in the case. They have also spoken to the Ombudsman of Navarra.
In addition to the decision against, Joxe Mari Agirretxe, Porrotx, explained that in the press conference they will also discuss other issues, including the closure of the Twitter account in Basque by the City of Pamplona. Agirretxe adds that a "gift" has been prepared for the mayor: "Colored glasses to see the world of colors."
This is not the first time that UPN has been against the clowns, who have gone out into the street. In 2017, the City of Pamplona, ruled by EH Bildu, denounced the "free" abandonment of the Baluarte Auditorium to the trio: "It's a treat of favor, compared to events of great tradition in the city, such as the celebration of the Corpus that wants to boycott since Bildu came to the city hall," he added. UPN said in his statement that this is "Batasuna clowns". The City of Bilbao also vetoed Pirritx and Porrotx with Iñaki Azkuna as mayor. He apologized for his "political trajectory". It was the pp, then, who called for the ban on the shows of these clowns.
It is necessary to turn back to the origin of the decisions against the actions of Pirritx and Porrotx. A member of the clowning group was a councillor in Lasarte-Oria (Gipuzkoa); when ETA murdered a councillor there, he did not condemn the action, and from there they began to suspend the actions of the clowning group in the municipalities where pp and PSOE had mayors. The members of the group condemned the confusion between their personal and artistic activity. A movement to support clowns was also launched.
'Bizi dantza'
The trio has just presented his last play: Live dance. The first session took place in Eskoriatza (Gipuzkoa) on 9 November, and the second in Asteasu (Gipuzkoa), a day later. This project, like the previous ones, has been a teamwork in which they have collaborated with the clowns, among others, the dancers Vanesa Castaño and Jon Maia and the writer Leire Bilbao, who has created the lyrics of the melodies in collaboration with the group of clowns. Illustrator Maite Mutuberria and musician Xabier Zabala have also collaborated in the project. In addition, they have published a disc with thirteen themes and thirteen themes.