Four members of the group rape in Pamplona receive strong condemnation in the case of sexual abuse in Córdoba
  • In today's session, José Ángel Ropa, Antonio Manuel Guerrero, Alfonso Cabezuelo and Jesús Escudero were strongly condemned. The four have a second firm conviction, as they serve fifteen years in jail for the sentencing of the group rape of Pamplona/Iruña.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko urriaren 18a
Sanferminetako talde-bortxaketaren epaiaren aurkako manifestazio bat Argazkia: Feministalde.

The newspaper has been in charge of announcing the news of the day. The Supreme Court has dismissed the appeal lodged by the State Attorney. In May 2016, the four men were tried in the Córdoba locality of Pozoblanco (Spanish state) for sexually abusing a young woman during a discussion. The appeal called for the annulment of the sentence imposed for crimes of sexual abuse and privacy before the courts.

That is not the case. Upon conviction, three of them must serve a sentence of two years and ten months ' imprisonment and one, José Ángel Veston, a sentence of four and a half years ' imprisonment.

The girl from Córdoba was subjected to sexual abuse inside her car when she was unconscious and was recorded in two videos. The videos were found on Guerrero's phone when they tried to investigate group rape in Pamplona/Iruña. A young woman was raped in the Sanfermines of Pamplona two months after committing sexual abuse to the young woman of Córdoba. For this second case, the penalty of fifteen years ' imprisonment is fulfilled.